23 October 2020

I am finally back!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Hi everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Oh my gosh. Oh. My. Gosh. OMG!

So I dah lama nak login blog sebab I ada banyak pending entry kat dalam draft. Tapi masalahnya perempuan jenis pelupa macam I ni lupa password. Ni dah kali ke berapa entah I reset password blog ni. Masalahnya I nak login email pun dah terlupa. Ya Allah stress mak jemah.

I nak tulis my life update sebab I rasa I dah lama tak ingat benda-benda best dalam hidup ni. My life has been a rollercoaster ride for the past two months. If you still don't know, I am now officially an entrepreneur. HAHAHHAHAHA. Sounds so funny. But yeah. I'm currently working full time (still at the same place as two years ago, well its kinda boring so I don't want to talk about it) & I am launching my product - soon, like real soon.

Okay! Its an air freshener, like you boleh letak dalam kereta, toilet, bilik, ruang tamu eh mana mana lahhhhh. Anyway, I dah start jual to my close friends & Alhamdulillah the feedback was really good! Until now, we have few agents too! So sooo excited to launch my own brand - MILINA. I know, I know. I am just obsessed with M. From Mim. Miley (my car) and MILINA. I don't know, its just Meant to be. Tibahh kau. Banyak pulak life update I kan sebab yelah dah lama tak tulis blog.

Okay so I rasa I nak buat separate entry lah to why I decided to sell MILINA. Dia cam random gila, best tapi sedikit menyesal sebab I asyik stress pikir pasal business. At the same time I kena perform jugak kat company I kerja. Siang kerja office, malam buat business. Macamtu lah nak cari rezeki. Siapa lagi nak bagi duit kalau bukan diri sendiri. Kita ni dah la banyak nafsu shopping. Hehehehe.

Another life update: STATUS, still single. Available & still searching for the right one. Taktahu pulak nak cari life partner ni susah ek. Dulu kalau ko single, aq single, jom ah kapel. Tapi sekarang alahaiiii nak reply whatsapp pun aku ni susah. Nak dating pun takde masa dah. Susah sangat nanti I suruh parents je carikan jodoh. Indahnya disayangi, tiber!

Macam biasa I akan habiskan entry tergantung macamni sebab ni kan blog I so suka hati lah nak tulis apa pun. Bye geng.


Izhar said...

Congratulations for being an entrepreneur! Part "kita ni da la byk nafsu shopping" Ttibe sentap hahaha. Mcm kne btg hidung sdiri.

Cik Lilo said...

Izhar: Hi Izhar! Thank you for the well wishes. Ehehehehehhe